Do you fry your vegan options separately?

Yes! We have a dedicated vegan fryer in which we cook all of our vegan specials and we store them in the hot box in a dedicated vegan-only draining rack so you can rest assured your delicious cruelty free meal remains completely separate and delicious :-)

Is your fish sustainably sourced?

Yes! We only purchase MSC certified or other recognised bodies of sustainably sourced fisheries. We take the overfishing of our oceans seriously and are committed to making sure that Fish & Chips is available for many  

Do you do Gluten-free Fish & Chips?

Unfortunately due to the lack of fryers we are unable to safely and completely cater for Coeliac or gluten intolerant individuals. We are hoping to expand our frying range in the near future and once we can operate in a completely safe manner we would love to cater to the wonderful Gluten Free community!